Latest Village Municipal News
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Friends,
Salado is a magnificent Village of inspiring beauty, creativity, and unlimited potential. Most of us pinch ourselves occasionally to see if this "heaven-on-earth" is real. And, we discover "IT IS VERY REAL."
This blog is to keep you informed about amazing community. It will consist of three sections Latest news in the Village; Questions and Answers; and Stories and Thoughts. The purpose is to give you the correct truth and correct twisted, self-centered information that is passed freely as if it was the truth.
The Latest Village News
1. Neighbor, this is the latest Village News: Thursday evening, the Board of Aldermen (BOA) workshoped the following: (Please know that there is NO VOTE in workshops. Workshops assist the Aldermen examining, researching, and considering. Held during the Board of Aldermen meetings, citizens who attend may listen and hear the Aldermen discuss the issues and know the facts.) These issues were discussed:
- Parking RVs, Trailers, and Boats in Driveways. There will be a survey sent to Salado residents asking their opinion. This is an opportunity to let the Board of Aldermen know your desires.
- The State has asked the Village to take over Main Street which is a State Road. The BOA wants to know why, what is being offered, engineering information about the Bridge, warranty, and anything else relevant to the offer. Don Ferguson and Alderman Mike McDougal, Chair of the Roads Committee, will discuss the entire issue with top State Leaders.
- Golf Cart Ordinance that allows only drivers with driver license or a driving permit along with a licensed driver riding in the Golf Cart to operate it. The discussion centered on safety, and ranged from narrow roads, busy Main Street, and driving experience. This Ordinance may appear on the next BOA for discussion and possible action.
- Should the Board of Alderman decide on Variances. When the Planning and Zoning Board does not approve the Citizens construction plans, the Citizen can present them to the Board of Aldermen for a final decision. There is a proposal to establish a Board of Adjustment, composed of citizens, to hear, act on all Variances. The Board of Adjustment's decision will be final. The Planning and Zoning Board will continue to operate as it does now.
- Food Truck Ordinance. The Aldermen will review and update the present Ordinance.
2. The first open public hearing on the sewer impact fee will be Tuesday, 29 May, 6 P.M. Municipal Building. Citizen comments will be allowed. No vote will be taken. Thirty-days has to pass before the second public hearing is held. The BOA will vote at the conclusion of the second hearing. TKeep Texas Beautiful awards dinner is Tuesday, June 12, Sheraton Georgetown Hotel and Conference Center, 7:30-9:30, preceded by a reception and silent auction, beginning at 5:30. Our Village's Keep Salado Beautiful will be awarded a $90,000 TxDoT grant to be used for Village landscaping.
3. Coffee with the Mayor will be held each Saturday beginning 9 June, Strawberry Patch, 9:30-1030. There will be no agenda just conversation and answers. Each Saturday, Coffee with the Mayor will be held in different locations. Each week, this blog will announce the next location.
4. An evening with the Mayor. The first Evening with the Mayor will be 26 (Tuesday) June 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Village Municipal Building. All citizens that have lived in the Village for less than 2-years are invited to attend. The purpose is to get acquainted, ask questions or give an opinion, and learn about the inner workings of Salado. Each month, there will be a special group invited to meet with the Mayor.
Questions and Answers
1. Is it true the BOA passed an ordinance stating that nothing negative may be said in the Board of Aldermen?
The Ordinance passed established proper etiquette, protocol, behavior, and manners to be followed during the Board of Aldermen (BOA) or in conducting Village Business. For instance, during Citizens Comments the speaker is to address the Board of Aldermen not the audience. If there is criticism it should be delivered in a professional manner with a possible solution.
2. Will Sanctuary use all the capacity of the Water Treatment Plan and leave nothing for Salado citizens?
No. This was addressed in a Board of Aldemen/lady last month. Our City Administrator, Don Ferguson, addressed the issue thoroughly. We will ask Don, who meets weekly with contractors and environment leaders, to write an easy-to-understand article that will explain this false rumor.
3. Is the BOA going to discuss and possibly take action on the deer population?
Yes. 1100 copies of the deer survey were sent to citizens. Over 500 were returned of which over 300 wanted something done about the deer. Deer are beautiful animals and no one wants to do them harm. However, by not doing something, deer are harmed through disease and malnutrition, and citizens are harmed through landscape destruction. It is a very controversial and expensive issue which will require a Town Hall meeting with environmental and animal experts. Salado is not the only Village with an over population of deer. Many, many towns and cities across America are facing the same issue.
4. What is the latest on parking, RVs, trailers, boats, etc, in driveways/ in front of houses?
The BOA wants to hear from the citizens of Salado. A survey concerning the above question, will be presented to the BOA for approval. If it is approved, the survey will be sent in July or sooner. Until then, please talk to your elected officials.
Stories and Thoughts
The Bar-B-Que Cook-off and the Memorial Day Service
Saturday, the Bar-B-Que Cook-off was a tremendous success. Being a first-time event, one expects success but not a tremendous success.
Monday, the Memorial Day was a most meaningful Memorial Day Service. Leaving there left a lump in the throat and an appreciation in the heart.
Why were both events so successful and encouraging?
Sonny Melendres calls it "The POWER of enthusiastic THINKING"
There are 5-habits that a successful event MUST incorporate:
1. Be of Value.
Albert Einstein was fond of saying, "Strive not to be a success, but to be of value."
Of course, most everyone wanted the Bar-B-Que Cook-Off and the Memorial Day Service to be a success. "Wanting it" did not make it happen. It happened because the organizers made the events to be of Value to the Village. It was not just about making money or the attendance; it was about breathing the Spirit of Salado into both events -- friendliness, hospitality, and genuine appreciation for the planning, diligence, and attentiveness everyone received. The organizers demonstrated that the quality of their work will pay great dividends for Salado both now and in the future.
2. Be energetic.
Great players in life believe that what they put into life will be exactly what they get back. Or, as my father said, "Son, if you put a nickel's worth of effort into your work, that is what you will get back. But if you put your entire self into it, your return will be overflowing and rewarding."
On a hot day with little breeze, the energy flowed freely and most everyone felt both events were beneficial, productive, and fun. Most important the action proved it.
3. Be Supportive.
It has been said that "a word of encouragement during a difficult time is worth more than praise after success."
Enthusiastic thinkers understand encouraging others instills courage in them. Encouraging others, also instills courage into the one who encourages. In both events, there was encouraging statements: "Great Bar-B-Que. Thank you for making this event a success." "Your attendance in honoring those who served, means much to their families, friends, and community."
The events were a tremendous success because the organizers filled it with encouragement.
4. Be Grateful.
A college professor wanted his students to understand the importance of gratitude. He told them to take a sheet of paper and on the left side list everything they disliked about their life. On the right side, list everything in which they were grateful. Most of the students had a long list of things they disliked. On the right side, a very short list of things in which they were grateful.
Before the class was over, the professor pulled out a bin of potatoes and burlap sacks for everyone. Row by row the students came forward and received a burlap sack. Next, they were told to put one potato in their sack for every item of discontentment on their list. For the next 4-hours, they were to carry their sack full of potatoes to every class and explain to those who asked, what the assignment was. By the second hour, there were abandoned sacks filled with potatoes everywhere. Most of the students had become tired of carrying their emotional baggage.
At the end of both events, gratitude was expressed to every cooker, eater, speaker, and participant. The organizers proved "that all you may want may never compare to what you already have." The power of GRATITUDE was felt by all.
5. Be Vigilant
A guest was checking out of an Orlando Disney Hotel. The desk attendant asked if her stay was enjoyable. She said, "Yes, until last night. I bought a disposable camera and took pictures of everything I saw for my mother who is in a Nursing home. Somewhere, I lost the camera."
That evening, the desk attendant ended her shift but did not head home. Instead she bought a disposable camera and took pictures of everything the guest might have taken. She had the pictures developed and mailed them to the guest with a note: "Hope these pictures will help you remember your stay with us."
While enthusiastic thinkers may not totally create a successful event, they lure it, entice it, and accelerate it.
When thinking about Melendez's words, applying them sure beats complaining, criticizing, and discontentment.
Hats off to each of you who demonstrated to the world these 5-habits. You may be assured your work will not be in vain. People will come, again. And you will hear, "My dream is to live in Salado."
Most of all, you demonstrated what it takes to have a successful event.
Will write again soon.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thursday, 6 July 2017
1. Garrison Commander, Fort Hood, to receive Village Proclamation.
July 2, 2015, 0900, Colonel Todd Fox became the Garrison Commander for Fort Hood. A few weeks after that, Colonel Fox made an appointment to visit Salado. In the Chamber of Commerce Office, Colonel Fox met and discussed ways in which Fort Hood and Salado could partner and work toward a common goal. The meeting scheduled for approximately 30 minutes went for over an hour. The meeting was at a time when the Construction had taken its toll on Salado. Colonel Fox’s visit was the beginning of a friendship that was instrumental in restoring hope. Since that time, in many of his speeches, he mentions Salado and his fondness of the Village.
Colonel Fox is going to be General Funk’s Chief of Staff, III Corps, Fort Hood. He and his family will remain in the area and that is good news. The partnership and equal fondness with each other will continue.
The Proclamation will be given at the beginning of the Board of Aldermen, Thursday, 6 July, 6:30 P.M. in the Village Municipal Building. Please, if at all possible, be present to say “thank you.” You do not have to stay for the entire BOA.
We are a Purple Heart Community and many Service Members live in Salado. Please consider this an opportunity to show how much we support our military families.
As usual, the Historic Society put on a great picnic in the High School Cafeteria. The food prepared by the best cooks in Salado was delicious. The fellowship was lively and friendly. The Speaker reminded us the 4th of July Tradition. And, the Salado Choir was patriotic and inspiring.
It was a great day to celebrate the 4th, America’s Birthday!
Picture furnished by Linda Reynolds
Thought for the Day:
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.”
Will write again soon. VR/Skip
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Monday, 3 July 2017
May you have a great 4th of July! Salado is having a great one. All have worked hard – your home, your yard, in the Village – and it shows the pride of Salado. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
1. Tomorrow, 4 July, at noon, the Salado Historical Society is hosting their annual pot-luck picnic at the Salado High School auditorium. This year’s theme is a Salute to the Military. They have a special guest from Fort Hood speaking and the wonderful Salado Chorus will provide patriotic music.
Every one is invited!!!!! Just bring a covered dish and come as you are.
Salado has the best cooks in the County. You will not leave hungry! Just bring a dish and enjoy the program. The picnic is usually over approximately 2 P.M.
2. The United Methodist Church has a new minister. Last Sunday was David Mosser’s first Sunday and it was a great service. Dr. Mosser mixes humor with his message making it a meaningful, delightful service. Please drop by the office or, better still visit a church service, and welcome him to the community.
3. This Thursday evening, 6:30, the Board of Aldermen/lady will present, Colonel Todd Fox, Fort Hood Garrison Commander, a Proclamation. Salado has many friends and Colonel Fox ranks at the top. He was the first Garrison Commander in recent memory to visit Salado. He has been very active in our School District. In his remarks, Colonel Fox mentions Salado frequently and how important we are to Fort Hood.
Colonel Fox will be moving across the hall to become Chief of Staff for III Corps new Commanding, LT General Funk. We are pleased to present him with a Proclamation and even more pleased that he is remaining in the area.
4. Salado Swirl Wine Trail is this Saturday, 2-6 P.M. What fun! Get your tickets at the Salado Chamber Office across from the Stagecoach Inn. Your tickets will automatically enter you into a 7-day cruise courtesy of Journey’s Travel Associates.
Oh boy, do not miss the opportunity – wine and the possibility of a 7-day cruise.
And the proceeds will help the Chamber.
That is all for 3 July . . . more news coming. VR/Skip
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Sunday, 11 June 2017
1. Neighborhood Roads
A Note from Michael McDougal, Chair, Village Roads
“Don Ferguson and I drove the inter-local road improvement project and we examined the road areas that are being improved. I explained the process of road improvement . (1) The Road Committee determines road repair priority and makes recommendation to County Engineer. (2) County Engineer reviews our priorities with on-site visit. (3) Engineer provides estimate of cost to Road Committee. (4) Road Committee approves and the Chair places the recommendation on the Board of Aldermen agenda for approval. (5) Inter-local agreement is signed and submitted to County Engineer who in turn recommends approval to Commissioners Court. (6) Commissioner Court approves and directs Engineer to schedule road improvement in Salado .
Today, the citizens see the result of working closely with County Government to make things happen. All the Village pays is for the cost of materials; the county pays for the labor and furnishes the equipment. The present project costs approximately $40,000. If bided, the cost would be approximately $200,000 – a savings of $160,000 of tax payers money.”
An update from Michael McDougal
“Bell county workers have been diligent with our street improvements and most courteous to our village drivers and, with children, ensuring their equipment takes every precaution to keep them safe. Quality work, pride, safety are number 1 in their work. Road work is on schedule as of this date “
If you have questions concerning Road Work, please call Don Ferguson, our City Administrator, 947-5060.
2. Stagecoach Inn opens 14 June, Wednesday
Friday and Saturday evening, citizens had the opportunity to enjoy the refurbished Stagecoach Dining Room and enjoy delicious food. When the upstairs area is completed, approximately 30 days, the refurbishing of the hotel rooms begins. Completion date is 9 to 12 months. The Café will probably remain where it is and undergo refurbishing.
Everyone is excited about Stagecoach Inn returning and opening. It will be everything Salado wanted and more.
This being said, may we all remember that there are also some great restaurants and cafes in Salado that work very hard to meet your dining requirement. Remember: they held on and remained loyal during Salado’s difficult times.
3. Honoring Colonel Todd Fox, 6 July
In the regular Board of Aldermen meeting, 6 July, the Board of Aldermen/Lady and Mayor will present Colonel Todd Fox with a Proclamation in support of Salado. Colonel Fox is one of the first Fort Hood Garrison Commanders in recent memory to visit and support the Village of Salado. When the Village was going through a difficult period due to construction and other issues, Colonel Fox traveled to Salado and offered his support. Behind the scenes, especially in Education, he has supported our School District. On occasions, when it was appropriate, he mentioned Salado in his remarks. At work, when we see each other, he never fails to ask how Salado is doing and what he can do to help.
Colonel Fox’s Change of Command is 11 July. He leaves his position as USAG Commander and walks across the Hall to become the Chief of Staff to LT General Funk, III Corps’ new Commanding General, Fort Hood.
The relationship between Salado and Colonel Fox will continue. He is truly a great supporter and friend of Salado.
4. A New Police Officer
Police Officer David Guthrie will assume duty this month filling our vacant last position in the Police Department. Officer Guthrie comes from Morgan’s Point and has an outstanding record.
Your Police Department is: Chief, Rick Ashe; Officers Josh Tullock, Wayne Cooley, Matt Hicks, and David Guthrie.
Chief Rick Ashe is working diligently bringing our Police Force up to par in every area. The evidence is seen administratively, patrolling, and in community involvement.
5. Judy King
A note from Judy:
“Thank you for the opportunity to have been a part of the Village office team for the past 8 months. I especially appreciate Frank Coachman for recommending me for the position during the great transition period last October. Hopefully, I've honored that recommendation with my work. I wish each of you the best as you move forward with the many big tasks ahead for the Board of Aldermen. As a resident of the Village, it is my desire to see the Village thrive and not only bounce back, but surpass our wildest imaginations of success. We are certainly positioned to do that very thing!
I'm not leaving Salado any time soon. I will see you around town. God bless you all and the work that you're doing.”
Judy has done more than just honor our Village with her work. She was the driving force in office organization, taking care of people, and doing whatever was requested. We will miss her immensely.
Judy will do very well in whatever she chooses to pursue. She is multi talented and was a wonderful asset to the village during her employment,
The Village Manager has started advertising the position of Village Secretary. If you are interested, please contact Don Ferguson at 947-5060.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Monday, 22 May 2017
1. How to avoid WANNACRY, the Ransomeware that crippled Europe and some of the United States two weeks ago.
Ransomware WannaCry is a type of malicious software that infects a computer and restricts users' access until a ransom is paid to unlock it. The malware spreads by "phishing," luring unsuspecting users to click on infected email attachments and links in emails to launch the attack. Unpatched or out-of-date systems are particularly vulnerable to ransomware.
(1) Do not click on links or download files in emails unless you know for sure they are intended for you;
(2) Ensure your personal devices are updated and patched; and,
(3) Backup your data so you can recover your systems if they become infected. Microsoft released a patch in March that addresses this issue.
The expectation is that this is NOT a one-time event as the hackers are working to expand its reach.
2. The Complete History of Salado (Abridged) written by Gary Askins, Sunday, June 4th, 7 P.M.
The play will be at the Brewery. To learn more about it, go to this Website: Those who attended the first play by Gary Askins said, “It was very good.”
3. Salado Memorial Day Service, Monday 29 May, Salado, Cemetery, 9:30 A.M.
Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.
Please make plans to attend this inspiring day of remembrance in our historic cemetery. Below is the Service.
Annual Memorial Day Service
Historic Salado Cemetery
Monday, May 29, 2017, 9:30 A.M.
Flags at Half-Staff and Placing of the Wreath
George Bryant, Salado Cemetery Association
Clayton Capps Brass Ensemble
Master of Ceremonies
Bill Kinnison, Trustee, Salado Cemetery Association
Posting of the Colors*
Bell County Sheriff’s Posse: Carin Bauer, 1st Vice President, U.S. Flag
and Bob Stewart, Board of Directors, Texas Flag
Joe Keys, Minister, Salado Church of Christ
National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance*
Led by Diane Wallin with Clayton Capps Brass Ensemble
Recognition of Military Services
Diane Wallin with Clayton Capps Brass Ensemble
Please stand when you or a member of your family’s service medley is played.
[Words to Service songs are on the back of the program]
Mr. Joe Pirtle, Trustee, Salado Cemetery Association
Welcome by Mayor, Village of Salado
Skip Blancett (CAPTAIN) USN Ret.
Introduction of Speaker by Bill Kinnison
Memorial Day Remarks
COL (Ret) Ben Danner, USA
Roll Call
LTC (Ret) Stephen Peters, USAF
Treasurer, Salado Cemetery Association
Farewell TAPS
Clayton Capps Brass Ensemble Trumpet
Fly-Over by Commemorative Air Force
Thomas Lang flying a North American AT6 Texan "Neon"
Joe Enzminger flying a CJ-6 Nanchang
Recognition of Guests
Steven Ervin, President
Salado Cemetery Association
“Amazing Grace” played by Clayton Capps Brass Ensemble
“God Bless America” Audience led by Diane Wallin
Refreshments and Visitation
Hosted by Pat & Dave Broecker for Friends of the Cemetery Association
Thought for the Day:
The other day a few of us were talking about people who influenced us. Someone mentioned a lady at Wal-Mart that stood at the door rain or shine. They started with this question:
“Do you remember the lady at Wal-Mart who was always friendly. She asked if you wanted a basket; if you looked sad, she made you feel better with warm words, a radiant smile, and ‘can I help you find something, honey?’.”
Immediately the face of the lady jumped to mind. We could not remember her name, but we remembered how she made us feel.
Our time in her presence was no more than a few seconds or maybe a minute at the most. In those few moments of contact, she was able to touch people, change their outlook, and teach by example that whether positive or negative; we impact others far more than we ever imagine.
It was strange -- even after her death, we remembered a person with no name for her smile, kindness, and warm words.
What a legacy she left us . . .what an example to follow.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Tuesday, 17 May 2017
1. Her friends said, “Sherri, doing the Out Run Rare Cancer 5K is huge. Are you sure you want to do this.”
And Sherri said, “Yes, I do and yes I can and yes I will.”
And that she did. 240 runners assembled Saturday morning after it had rained half the night. All ages – children, youth, moms, dads, organizations, young-at-heart ran and walked.
As you look at some the pictures look beyond a 5K and see how special Salado is:
a. Neighbors caring and loving neighbors.
b. People coming from Belton,, Temple, Austin, Pearland, Virginia, other nation-wide communities to say “this cause is worthy of our time and energy.
c. Courage and determination to defeat cancer. The stories of some of the runners and the loss the suffered will not be forgotten.
d. Sherri Moreno, a survivor of cancer, everywhere greeting people, giving instructions, and cheering the runners.
e. Youth and adults on every street corner directing traffic and protecting runners.
f. Vendors giving their earnings and time to the 5 K.
g. Our Police Department and Fire Department on the scene handling any emergence.
h. 100% of the funds raised going to Rare Cancer Research.
And, now just a few pictures to tell the story of perhaps the largest 5K in recent history:
Thought for today:
“It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.”
Successful people are people who think positively and believe they can influence the outcome of the circumstances of life. Optimistic people say to themselves, “I can do it and, in fact, I will do it.”
Sherri Moreno fits into that category!
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Tuesday, 17 May 2017
1. Good things are always happening in our community by people who do it because they love Salado:
Saint Stephen Catholic Church, Salado, 7 May 17, celebrated First Holy Communion for their children. Father Uche, Saint Stephen’s Priest, wrote: “We are so proud of them and thank God for their parents, relations, friends, teachers, and parishioners who have watched and help these children grow in their friendship with God.” It was a very meaningful service.
Jim Ruesch, Strawberry Patch, furnishes his delicious coffee at many Salado events and functions. It is gift to the community. Thank your generosity, Jim. As General Funk, III Corps Commanding General, says, “never waste a good cup of coffee.” And we do not.
Bruce Golden, Chisholm Trail helped getting the grass cut on Hidden Glenn property, Stagecoach Circle. He not only saw that it was cut, he did some weed eating and picked up an old pallet to be burned. Hidden Glenn mowed the lot and said “we apologize to our neighbors and will do our best to not let this happen, again.
Christina Cooper has remarked that she wants to get involved in the community. She is a new neighbor and is excited about living in Salado.
When you see the Salado Volunteers mowing, say hello and thanks. They are always working to make our community pristine. And, to all of you who work so hard keeping your yard attractive and well-cared, a sincere thank you.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and their team have put together, trained volunteers, supervised, answered questions and much more for over 12 years. They have spend hours upon hours upon hours making sure that the elections were correct and accurate. We owe them a great amount of thanks for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to our Village.
2. Here are the results of the 6 May election – early voting, election day, and total.
Candidate early election day total
Judy Fields 127 63 190
David Williams 167 52 219
Fred Brown 289 90 379
Andy Jackson 396 115 511
Christopher Tramel 114 56 170
Mike McDougal 337 105 442
Linda Reynolds 127 82 209
For 75 41 116
Against 507 190 707
Total Voted: 595 232 827
Thought for the day:
“Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature,
Nor do the children of men and women as a whole experience it.
Avoid danger is no safer in the long run
than outright exposure
Life is either a daring adventure
or nothing."
- Helen Keller
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
The following is Village News that you might find interesting:
1. The Salado Police Department
Chief Rick Ashe and his Police Officers are making a difference:
A. It was Salado Police Officer, Wayne Cooley, who spotted at 9:30 P.M. the automobile of David Bailey, who allegedly killed a woman in Forth Worth. His quick action and call for backup from Belton, Temple, Bell County Sheriff, and State Troopers made a difference in the pursuit.
B. Last night two doggies on a spree showed up in my yard with nothing on them. Thank goodness Officer Cooley was on duty. He informed me that we had no place to take them. Even Bell County Shelter was not reachable. I was willing to pay for an overnight stay just to get them off the streets, but as it was already 1945 hours everything was closed. I had no place to keep them myself. My two were loudly offering their opinion on the subject, and as the two loose dogs had NO up to date rabies tags on them; I was afraid of exposing mine to some disease. Thank God they were friendly and, although dirty and unkempt, showed signs of decent treatment.
I fed and watered them. Tried to tether them but they kept getting tangled. Untied them and put snacks by the front porch hoping they would hang around so that they could be re-united with the owner. It was almost 2200.
Officer Cooley (Boy, he's a nice guy!) finally found the owner. The story had a happy ending, this time.
C. The Salado Police did an outstand job in controlling the traffic during theHighway I-35 Ribbon Cutting. They kept a busy area safe for our citizens.
The Salado Police worked closely with the Killeen Police on the investigation of the incident on Hester Way.
Please say thank you when you see one of our Officers. They are making a difference!
2. Kudos to the Chamber of Commerce/Tourism
From: Betsy Pittman []
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 9:29 AM
Subject: Salado Ribbon Cutting
I didn’t have a chance to speak to you last Thursday morning, but I wanted to let you know what a great job you all did putting the ribbon
cutting ceremony together. Having the high school band there was a real treat! I’ve been to many ribbon cuttings, but few are this well-
Thanks again,
Betsy Pittman, RLA
Texas Department of Transportation
Waco District Landscape Architect
3. An Opportunity to run for Cancer
4. Thought for the Day:
“How to break the worry habit:
- Keep busy. Action is one of the best therapies.
- Don’t fuss over trifles. Don’t let the termites of life ruin happiness
- Use the law of averages to outlaw worry. Ask “What are the chances of this worry happening at all?
- Co-operate with the inevitable. If the worry is out of your control. Accept it and go on with life. The sun will still shine tomorrow; the moon will rise tonight, and the seasons will come on schedule. And, your faith will help.
- Put a stop-loss order on the worry. Decide how much anxiety a worry may be worth – refuse to give it any more.
- Let the past bury the dead. Don’t saw sawdust.
Dale Carnegie
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Monday, 15 May 2017
The election is over and it is time to start writing, again. Here are a few things that you should know:
1. Monday, 15 May, 6 P.M., the Municipal Building, the election results will be certified. As you know, 2 aldermen were re-elected and one new alderman was elected. This is the only official business that will be discussed. Following the certification, we will farewell David Williams. David worked very hard for two years on every project and problem the BOA undertook. He asked the questions that made us think; he made his points based on fact; and he voted his heart and convictions. David’s integrity and character never waivered. David will be missed and his words of wisdom will not be forgotten. David will continue to work with the Village Academy.
We welcome Andy Jackson. As you read in the Village Voice and heard at the Forum, Andy brings a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge to the table. Over the last three years, he attended approximately 90% of the BOA meetings; he was the Vice Chair of the Road and Street committee and spent countless hours working with TXDoT and James Construction. Like Dave, he brings integrity and character to his elected position.
2. Erin Klingemann has accepted the position of Chamber of Commerce Interim Executive Director effective immediately. Leslie Morrell will continue her position as Administrative Assistant.
Their offices are in the Salado Historic Museum on Main Street. Please stop by and meet these two ladies. And, if you would like to Volunteer as a Receptionist, a Trolley driver, an Ambassador, or just to offer your assistance; please make your desires known.
3. The Chamber of Commerce has moved into their new offices in the Salado Historic Museum. They are exquisite, user friendly, and represents Salado well. Their Conference room upstairs speaks of professionalism, business, and confidence. Nothing was wasted in the refurbishing. It is worth your time to stop by, get acquainted, and visit the history artifacts of Salado.
As Mother’s Day draws to an end, this true story:
She live 20 blocks from the White House, a 60 year old mother is a mother in a different way. She runs a food line for people going through difficult time. Every morning her and God have a conversation that goes like this:
“Thank you, Lord, for waking me up in the morning, that the walls of my room were not the walls of my grave, and that my bed was not my coolin’ board.” When she reaches the building where people pour in for food, she prays, “Lord, we know that you’ll be comin through this line today, so help us to treat you well.” Ms. Mary Glover is a mother to all . . .just like you. Happy Mother’s Day!
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
With the election coming soon, I thought it best to wait until after the election to continue this newsletter. We are truly blessed to have such a strong group of citizens willing to volunteer their time to serve our community. I want to personally thank them for choosing to serve, and I wish them all the best of luck!
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Monday, 27 March 2017
- Economic Development Administration (EDA)
Friday two EDS officials visited Salado concerning the Million dollar grant. Present for the meeting was Central Texas Council of Government representatives, KPA representatives, Aldermen Dankert, and the Mayor.
The purpose of the meeting was to ensure Salado that the million dollar EDA grant was secure. They asked questions and toured the sewer sites and location of the Water Treatment Plant.
They were very pleased and are as anxious as we are to get it started. They are writing a letter to Federal Agencies reviewing the Biological Assessment Report asking them to do all they can to speed up the process.
It was a very productive, positive meeting.
- Saturday! The people just kept coming!
Whether it was the wine, the art, the environment, the fun, the shopping, or just relaxing people came from all over Texas and other states to experience Salado hospitality.
Riding with Fred Brown in the Chamber red golf cart, we carried people up and down, to and fro, every event on and off Main Street. Some had never been to Salado; others had stop coming because of the construction; others were regular visitors.
One lady from Georgetown said I use to buy all my card supplies from Georgetown and now I come to Salado to buy from the Stamp and Card Shop. This Tuesday, she is bringing her Neighborhood to shop in Salado.
The stores I had a chance to visit said the same thing: March has been a great month!
To everyone – thank you for a banner record breaking weekend!
- Do NOT forget 4 April, 6:30 P.M. High School Cafeteria, Question and Answer Town Hall with Municipal Attorney, Alan Bojorquez. Purpose: answer questions on Issues.
- Watch your speed.
Recently, there have been citizens expressing their concern for cars speeding in the Village. Instructions have been given to Chief Tullock to stop speeders and either give them a warning or a speeding ticket.
If it is an elected official, stop them. If there are residents of Salado, stop them. If they are visitors, stop them. Everyone must obey the law and be treated the same.
We are not making speed traps, being difficult, or looking for more Village revenue.
It is a matter of keeping our Village safe and a place to live, enjoy, and know you are among friends.
We have great Policeman working our streets. And, with Chief Ashe; it is only going to get better.
- This week’s Honored People
VIP (Very Inspiring Person) – Bobbie Carroll for her daily devotion to her family. Milton has had some medical issues and Bobbie has been the care-giver day and night. She has had a few medical issues and she still takes care of her family to include their dog who had major surgery. Even with all these things, Bobbie and Milton attend church every Sunday and supports, when health permits, the community.
VNP (Very Nice Person) – Jackie Mills. She always has a smile; always has a loving demeanor; always is positive and helpful. Yes, she is Ms Tablerock, but she is also a friend to the community that gives and keeps on giving. It is believed that Denver’s greatest accomplishment was getting Jackie to say “Yes, to marriage.”
VRP (Very Responsible Person) – Deborah Roberson, President, Salado Area Republican Women. Her and her team did an outstanding Fine China Luncheon. It was flawless, beautiful, inspiring, and friendly. As Mrs, Abbot told me, “I feel so happy being here.”
VPP (Very Passionate Person) – Tommie Prater – ask her how much she loves Salado and she talks continuously. She pulls weeds, wades in the creek, attends civic groups, and works continuously for the good of Salado.
See you soon.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Sunday, 26 March 2017
- April 4, Town Hall, High School Cafeteria: An Attorney Answers Questions on Issues
One of the top Municipal Attorneys in Texas, Alan Bojorquez, will be our guest, 4 April 17, 6:30 P.M., Salado High School. Attorney Bojorquez will answer your questions in accordance with the law on Village Issues. He is our Village Attorney and is a very frank, knowledgeable Texas Municipal Lawyer who knows Salado well.
- He takes no sides on any Issue. Ask him a question and you will hear the answer according to the law.
- Many of you have questions and want straight answers. THIS IS YOUR EVENING.
- It is a Posted meeting which means that Village elected officials will come. They may ask questions.
- This not a meeting to state any position for or against on issues. It is a time to ask questions and get answers.
!!! Please do not miss this meeting. Regardless of age, tenure, gender, or working or retired – this is a most important meeting to get the facts according to the law. !!!
Friends, this is important. If you never attend another Town Hall, you need to attend this one.
- The Salado Volunteers when First Place!
The Salado Volunteers also called the Salado Six entered the Keep TEXAS Beautiful and won
Civic Organization Award - Project
The Salado Six, Salado!!!!
Who are these Volunteers? Hint: I have never seen them wear suits. They drive all colors, makes, models, and age vehicles. Though they entered the Keep TEXAS Beautiful annual award; they are not connected to the Keep Salado Beautiful organization.
Have you guessed it, yet? One more hint, they do not like much publicity. In fact, one of the Volunteers said, “All we need is an appreciation pat every now and then just like you would your favorite dog.”
Here is the answer. You see them mowing, weeding, helping, and taking care of areas that need some tender loving care. It may be a lot on the surface road; the lawn of an elderly or sick neighbor, a park, a field, or just about anything that will keep Salado pristine, well kept, and special. When big events come to town, they are working days ahead of the event giving Salado a lawn haircut.
Who are these Volunteers? Well, the best way to find out is the next time you see someone mowing an unusual area of grass, stop and say, “Thank you.”
Even if you are not a volunteer, just a neighbor taking care of your area, be pleased that someone appreciates your efforts and cares enough to stop and say, “Thank you.” That is the Salado way.
- The Latest Stagecoach News
Saturday, March 25, I met with one of Stagecoach Partners in Salado.
Here are his remarks:
- “Scheduled is a ‘Soft’ Opening the first week in May.
- Mid-May will the official day for opening to the public.
- Stagecoach will go immediately into renovating the 70+ hotel rooms. The projected renovating will take approximately one year.
- There is consideration of renting/leasing the shops in front of the Stagecoach for a limited time – summer to Chistmas.
- There is thought of making the log cabin in front of the shops the reception area for the hotel.
- Stagecoach is very excited about being in Salado. They appreciate the strong welcoming received.
- They want to be a part of the bright future of Salado.”
This partner asked a wonderful question? “Are there any houses for sale in Salado? It will be a great place to live.”
Stay tuned for more information and follow their Website.
Hope you have a great week.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Saturday, 25 March 2017
- Village City Manager Selected
Don Ferguson and Dennis Baldwin were the final 2 of 21 applications. Some of the applications were not acceptable; some had no experience; some had experience but not in the areas where experience was needed. It came down to Don and Dennis.
The Board of Aldermen/Lady (BOA) did the interview with both and the candidates were equally impressive. The decision was extremely close but Dennis was the first choice by less than 1% . The reasons were:
- Had been in the Bell County City Governments (mostly Killeen) for over 30 years.
- Had been the Chief of Police of Killeen for 12.5 years
- Was Interim City Manager of Killeen until the new City Manager was selected and reported to his new job
- Was well networked with Leaders in Bell County and Austin
- Loved Salado and IS looking forward to retiring here.
- Was diligently working to help Killeen overcome problems
Don Ferguson “shined” in the following areas:
- Been Wimberley city manager for 10 years. (Experienced City Managers say that the average stay for City Manager is approximately 4 years.)
- Wimberley and Salado were very similar in city achievements, problems, politics, growth, change, demographics, environment, sewer, etc.
- Had completed the building of a Waster Water Plant, developed usage rates to be charged, right-of-ways, hook-up, and everything else that is involved with a new sewer system.
- Had been through Natural Disasters to include a devastating flood that took lives and the grief that followed.
- Had gone through the reorganization of the Police Department. In fact our former Chief had applied several years ago for the Chief of Police position.
- Had dealt with expansion, development, and growth.
In the end, it was a matter that Killeen needed Dennis to remain as Deputy City Administrator. Dennis, knowing the Killeen problems, felt that was where he needed to be.
Don Ferguson’s resume was reviewed by the BOA carefully, again.
Saturday two weeks ago, he made a second trip to Salado and spent 5 hours with the Mayor. Everything was made known to Don. Nothing was hidden. A 2-hour driving tour followed. Once again, NOTHING WAS HIDDEN. He saw and heard both sides of everything fairly, equally, and without character/people bashing.
After 5-hours of truth and honesty, Don Ferguson said, “This is where I want to be. I know I can not only make a difference but my wife and I will love Salado and we want to live in Salado.”
Over the 5 hours, he continuously said,
Thursday, 23 March, the Aldermen/Lady voted unanimously to offer the position to Don Ferguson.
Don Ferguson accepted without hesitation the offer to be Village City Manager at approximately 12:15 P.M. Friday.
Thursday of last week, Don’s father went through a serious operation in College Station. There was a slight complication, however, he is recovering nicely.
Don will soon return home and begin packing and moving to Salado. His wife who is very involved as an employee of New Braunfels School System is very interested in the Salado School District.
Due to his father’s operation, finding a home, and moving; it will be late April before he assumes his full-time duties. However, knowing Don, he has already started. In fact, he was reading everything about Salado before the Interviews.
There is no doubt he is committed with a tremendous amount of experience to our Village. In April, we will have a reception for the Ferguson family, the Ashe Family, and we will farewell our Interim City Manage, David Miller.
- Chief of Police Selected
Salado was blessed with a significant number of applications. Salado was also blessed with a Safety and Emergency Management Committee that worked hours reading and discussing the applications. In the end, 5 applications were chosen to be contacted and interviewed. From those five, two were chosen to meet with the Committee. Last Wednesday, 22 March between 6 and 8:30 P.M., the Safety Committed interviewed both candidates for an hour each.
The Candidates were very strong and offered much experience to the position. They were personable, rational in thinking, and committed to their profession. Both wanted and strongly desired to be the Chief of Police of Salado. Not being a part of the Committee and not having a vote, I had the opportunity to observe and listen to he following:
- a firm but fair commitment to law and justice
- demeanor and experience that has earned respect and leadership
- a sincere appreciation for Salado and the citizenship
- very family oriented
- intelligent, professional, honest, and straightforward
- knows what the Salado Police Department needs
- ready and anxious to start to work
The Safety and Emergency Management Committee discussed the interviews intently and unanimously selected Rick Ashe as the new Chief of Police.
The recommendation was made to the BOA, Thursday, 23 March, 2017. A conference telephone call was made to Rick Ashe at approximately 8:30 P.M.
He accepted the position on the day that was also Shannon Ashe’s birthday.
Before, the BOA adjourned, Rick and Shannon came unexpectedly to the Municipal Building. All of us had the opportunity to give the new Chief a standing ovation.
Chief Ashe will start officially 1 May 17. However, he was working Saturday, 25 March, with Interim Chief Tullock who has done a wonderful job this last month.
When speaking to Shannon Saturday at a wedding, she said her Facebook has received over 300 congratulations.
Rick loves Salado and he will do very well. He will also do well with Don Ferguson. Even though they have not met, the chemistry and professionalism is there. THEY ARE BOTH VERY PEOPLE ORIENTED.
Salado, you have done well. Congratulations!
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Sunday, March 19, 2017
- This morning’s I-35 Accident.
Word came that a terrible accident had occurred close to the Holland Road Bridge. Also, a white car had been pulled over about 75 yards ahead of the accident.
Upon arriving and observing the accident, the car that was badly damaged was a Texas State Trooper Car. Salado Volunteer Department was working the accident along with two Texas State Trooper cars/officers. Around the white car was two Sheriff Deputies, and 2 or 3 Texas State Trooper cars. Traffic was down to one lane on I-35.
It was church time and Salado residents were going to church. At the same time, 18-wheeler truck and some traffic began coming down Main Street. A call was made to 911 asking for assistance with the traffic coming down Main Street.
Within minutes, the traffic down Main Street stopped. Approximately 5 minutes later a State Trooper called on the cell phone and asked if we need them to help also.
Our paid police force and State Troopers are doing their job. Additionally, people coming down Main Street fast are being stopped and some traffic tickets are being issued.
In the next three weeks, depending on the interviews, references, and back ground checks; you may a new Police Chief. The 4th Police Officer will be selected and hired when the new Village Administrator assumes his duties. All Police Officers are “Code Enforcers” and that will be part of their duties.
- Thank You, Mr. John Cole, and his Citizen Comment given to the Board of Aldermen/Lady, Thursday, 16 March, 17.
As presented:
“Topic: Children and Pedestrian safety with-in the confines of the Mill Creek Sub-Division
Mill Creek of Salado; a community in transition. The Mill Creek subdivision was once a community of fewer children. Now, Children are ever more present and playing through-out the neighborhoods as we once did as children. Pedestrians, Parents nor their children need to fear for their safety from careless drivers.
- Children are now riding bicycles and playing in our streets
- Pedestrians are walking more, and also walking their pets
- Golf cart traffic has increased, many are driven by children
- Our streets are narrow and winding by design
- We have blind spots and dangerous intersection by design
- We have foliage that inhibits a clear view of oncoming traffic
- We have experience a large traffic build up from expansion
“The mentioned topics are made even more dangerous by reckless and careless individuals that exceed the posted speed limits. See the included map with yellow highlighted areas that annotate danger area that are prone to vehicles exceeding the speed limits.”
Recommendations to the City Council Members
- Speed bumps installed/placed at key locations to control excessive speed.
- Lower the speed limit to 15 MPH, hopefully to slow the offenders to 20 MPH
- Increase the police patrols in the Mill Creek Community, and instruct them to issue citations.
- Become pro-active and demand resident to keep the foliage trimmed to better the view of oncoming traffic.
Thank you City Council member for your time and considerations.
John, you are heard loud and clear. This will be on our next workshop in April and it will be top priority of our Chief of Police and our new Chief of Police. The map was too light to include. If you have a darker version, please send it to
- An email from Dr. Howard Lufburrow
“Chris Burke, the guy helping me with drainage, has begun cleaning out the ditches in my yard for better drainage. T he village should consider contracting with Chris to maintain the surface ditches, as recommended in the engineering study paid for by the village. He has a grasp of the drainage situation and would love to solve this ‘problem.”
Howard, thank you for your email. Will you please Chris get in touch with me, or my cell 254.493. 6657.
- An email from Steven.
“Skip, why not get some vests from surplus. The color does not matter. In the long run it would be cheaper than workers comp if an officer was shot.
Steven, an excellent idea. Interim Police Chief Tullock will look into your suggestion. Please know that Police vests have to be fitted.
Note: In the BOA Workshop last Thursday, Police Vests were discussed. With high velocity weapons and ammunition, Police Vests must be able to withstand impact. The BOA Is looking to invest in new Police Vests for our Policemen/women.
The Board of Aldermen/Lady is always open to your suggestions. If you have one, please contact us.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
“A Daughter Needs a Dad . . .
to teach her to recognize truth and reward it.
to teach her to recognize sincerity and encourage it.
to teach her about fairness.
to teach her to stand up for herself.”
Why a Daughter Needs A Dad, Gregory Lang
Saturday, 18 March
- Monday night with the Mayor; Service Organizations and Religious Institutions.
This being the High Holy Days with Passover, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter coming quickly, this event will be changed until Monday, 17 April, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Building.
A second Monday Night with New Residents who have lived in the Neighborhood less than 2 years will be Monday, 27 March, 6:30 P.M. Municipal Building.
A Question and Answer Town Hall will be 4 April, 6:30 P.M. Our main Village Attorney will be present to answer Petition Questions. Also, new Police Officers will be introduced and, if negotiations goes well, a new City Manager will be introduced.
- The Chamber Information Center is Moving.
The following email was received from Dave Swarthout:
“As the Chairman of the Chamber/Tourism Bureau, and in keeping with my pledge to you of “Communication”, I submit the following to you.
For years the Chamber Board of Directors have discussed and debated the need to reduce our rent and utility costs. I am happy to say that the decision has been made to move our current location to the new location of the Salado Museum & College Park building at 423 S Main Street, across from the Stagecoach Inn. Actual move date is yet to be determined. I will let you know when this date is established.
This will become a partnership between the Chamber/Tourism/Visitor Center and the Museum, with the sole purpose of promoting the Village of Salado. We will combine information for visitors on our businesses, lodging accommodations, civic organizations and artifacts showcasing the history of Salado.
There will be a courtyard garden planned by Keep Salado Beautiful greeting tourists to the Visitor Center and Chamber/Tourism offices. This along with the landscaping that the Stagecoach is planning will make this a very attractive presentation to our Salado visitors.
I encourage you to contact me at <> with your questions and comments.”
- Montessori School
The McClure family came to the Residents living less than two years in Salado. Alissa McClure gave a short report on the Montessori School, Salado. They are working on the location and may have determined it by the writing of this article. We look forward to hearing the plans . The McClure family is one of many families moving to Salado with incredible talents, vision, and commitment.
- The Building next to Salado Jewelry and across from the Range has sold.
Permission has not been granted to tell who purchased the building, however, it will be retail store. Refurbishing has started. That building has been vacant too long. Thank you to the new owners. We look forward to the opening and shopping in it.
- New Designations Each Week
Do you know what these abbreviations are? VNP? VIP? VRP? VPP?
This week the:
VNP (Very Nice Person) is Tyler Fletcher. Do you know that every day, 7:30, A.M. he serves Breakfast to anyone who comes? He does it out of his love for people, Salado, and his faith. What a giving ministry!
VRP (Very Responsible Person) is Eldon Miller, Election Judge for the May 6, 2017 General and Special elections. The attention to detail, accuracy, and possible stress in making everything perfect is a tremendous responsibility.
VPP (Very Passionate Person) is Pat Broecker. No one is more passionate and tries harder in making a funeral honoring and loving. She spends hours ensuring the family and the deceased person receives the best care.
VIP (Very Inspiring Person) is Mel Williams. An accident near Houston cost him one leg and severely damaged his other leg. Doctors were very frank with him about his walking. He proved them wrong. In the next two weeks, he will have major foot surgery where the Doctors will attempt reconstructing his foot.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
When Paul Harvey was learning how to present himself on the radio, his instinct was to imitate as the “pros” by mimicking them: “One day,” as Paul Harvey explains,
“It was a very crude but gifted program director who took me aside and said, “Paul Harvey, as long as your imitating, the best you can ever hope to be is second best. The only thing you can do better than anybody else is to be Paul Harvey. And from then until now, I have merely been trying to be Paul Harvey.”
(Paul Harvey’s America, Masfield and Holland)
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
- The Chief of Police
Tuesday Evening, 14 March, the Safety and Emergency Management Committee, reviewed 14 Resumes for Chief of Police. From the 14 Resumes, 5 were selected to be recommended to the Board of Aldermen/Lady (BOA). Thursday night, 16 March, the Board of Aldermen/Lady will review the 5 Resumes and determine the interview process. In the near future, the 5 Applicants will be contacted. Selection of the Chief of Police is one of the top priorities of the BOA.
- The Village Administrator.
Last Friday morning, 10 March, the Board of Aldermen/Lady received 22 Resumes for Village Administrator. Thursday’s Board of Aldermen meeting, 16 March, the Resumes will be discussed and a short list made. The Candidates on the short list will be notified. Like the Chief of Police, the Village Administrator is a top Priority.
- Two new Police Officers.
Officer Wayne Cooley and Officer Matt Hicks are selected to become Salado’s two new Police Officers.
Their reference and background checks are completed and they have accepted the job offer. Officer Cooley begins Monday, 20 March. Officer Hicks will begin a week later.
- Why are the Aldermen/Lady not presenting needed information on the Disannex Petition?
By law, elected Officials cannot speak for or against a Petition on the ballot or a Candidate running for office. For instance, those for the Disannex Petition may speak freely. The elected Officials cannot. For example, an organization may invite the Petition Originators to speak. That is good; everyone has a right to speak. The more information, the better. However, if the organization invites an elected Official to speak, only the facts may be given and in such a fashion that it will not be perceived as trying to convince the audience one way or the other. That is a very fine line to walk, therefore, Elected Officials try to stay with information that is Public Record found in such offices as the Bell County Tax Office or the County Clerk.
- College Fair: 59 colleges/universities represented
The Fort Hood Education Services Division is inviting the Salado High School to their annual College Fair, April 11 and 12. Over 59 colleges and universities from across America will be present. During the day, special sessions on scholarships, the Montgomery GI Bill, the Post 9/11 GI Bill, the Texas Hazlewood Act, as well as other pertinent college information will be given. This year Harvard University will be one of the colleges presenting their information.
- Needed Childrens’ Books.
If you have Childrens’ Books that need a good home, we have the perfect place – homes of Soldiers. Free of Charge, Soldiers can select books to be given to their children. For those children who are too young to read, their mom or dad can read to them. For those who are reading, it gives them more material to read. The books do not have to be returned.
This program began about a month ago and is an overwhelming success. The books are difficult to keep in stock . If you have Childrens’ Books, please drop them off at the Municipal Building, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday through Friday. They will be going to some great homes.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the day:
“And in green underwood and cover Blossom by blossom the Spring begins.”
A Victorian Posy, Penhaligon’s Scented Treasury of Verse and Prose.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
- Monday Evening with the Mayor, Neighbors who lived in the area less than 2 years.
Three couples attended the evening sessions. Coming from Midland, Texas, and Austin, Texas, they told of their love for Salado. Sitting in a circle, they asked questions, gave opinions, and offered suggestions. We talked about roads, schools, subdivisions, Salado history, developers, deer, sewer and water treatment, Salamanders, Freshwater mussels, water, Salado creek, and oak wilt to name a few of the subjects.
It was a very enjoyable evening with new acquaintances that will become good Neighbors, good citizens, and good friends.
In additions to the three couples it was good to have Tim and Marilyn Fleischer, Editor and owner of the Village Voice. They shared amazing facts with the new Neighbors..
This evening was so special, that a second Monday Evening with the Mayor, will be held March 27, 2016, 6:30 P.M. for Neighbors who lived in Salado for less than 2 years. It is being held for those
who missed this one.
Please save this date, come and enjoy a calm, relaxing evening with new neighbors and friends.
- This Thursday, 16 Mar, 6:30 P.M. is the Board of Aldermen/lady meeting in the Municipal Building.
It is a great place to learn about your Village. This session will also include a workshop that will discuss present and future plans.
- Every Friday night, St. Stephen Catholic Church, has a fish fry , 5:30 - 7:30.
St. Stephen is located on 601 FM 2268 East of Wildfire Arena-Bloomers Trailers. You cannot miss it. A beautiful church with a great spirit.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
Meg Jay, PhD, in her book “The Defining Decade,” made an interesting observation about Facebook:
“Facebook is less about looking up friends than it is looking at friends. Research tells us that, on average, Facebook users spend more time examining others’ pages than adding content to their own. Facebook readers use the site for ‘social surveillance.’ These social investigators usually aren’t getting in touch or staying in touch with friends as much as they are checking on them. Judging and evaluating are involved. In one study, nearly 400 participants examined mock-up Facebook pages and rated web-page owners for attractiveness, only to decide that the best-looking owners were the ones with the best-looking friends.”
Sunday, 12 March 2017
- Monday evening with the Mayor, this Monday, 13 March, 6:30 P.M. , Municipal Building. This session is for people who have lived here less than two years.
All of us have moved places, wished we knew more about where we live, and did not know who to ask. Tomorrow night bring your questions, get to know other neighbors that are new, and become acquainted with your new community.
The entire evening will last about approximately one hour.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.
- Upcoming evenings in Salado:
Wildflower Weekend: 24,25,26 March – Activities throughout the Village
to include:
Spring Pub Crawl
Wildflower Art Festival
Edgy Art Show
Rogue Wine Festival
ART Attack across the Village. To include:
Finger Picker Association Regional Meeting
Salado Library and the screening of a Broadway Play
Tablerock – Story Teller Event
Culinary Event – Salado Winery and Wine Seller in conjunction with Barrow Brewing Company. Also an art scavenger hunt.
Gallery Tour – Salado galleries.
- Possible Chamber /Tourism Office Move
According to the Chamber/Tourism report to the Aldermen/Lady Thursday, 9 March, the Salado Museum is being considered as an option for the Chamber/Tourism office.
- Interim Police Chief and staff are receiving Kudos
Interim Police Chief Tulloch and his staff are receiving compliments for their work in Salado. Traffic violators are being stopped and suspicious cars are being searched. Thus far drugs have been confiscated. Officer Tulloch is also working I-35.
- Thank you, Salado Artist: Angie Dickson meets Willie Nelson and gave him Salado gifts.
“Dickson said she reached out to local artisans and craftsmen, and many agreed to contribute. The gifts included custom T-shirts by Brian Stokes of Trick Pony Studio, a glass heart from Salado Glassworks, a box of mementos by Julie Nabours, beer from Salado's Barrow Brewery, a book by the Junk Gypsies and, for Paula, a gift certificate for a Wellness Workshop with Tiffany Schreiner Humphrey and Elise Lange. Dickson also had a custom piece of art made with lyrics from one of Willie’s favorite songs set in a custom frame by Geunther Design Group. Read the story in today’s Temple Telegram.
- It is not too late to play
There is still time register – just come with your golf clubs and be ready to play Monday.
You would look in that new car. And, you will be helping a tremendous asset to Salado, TABLEROCK.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
“Nobody is a whole chain. Each one is a link. But take away one link and the chain is broken. We need each other. You need someone and someone needs you. Isolated islands, we are not. (Swindoll) Monday night meets some new friends.
Thursday, 10 March 2017
- The Safety Committee
Wednesday evening three potential Police Officers were interviewed. Of the three, 2 were selected to be nominated for two of the four positions open on the Salado Police Force. The Board of Aldermen/Lady will receive and approve the Committee’s Report Thursday, 16 March.
The interviews, 6-8 P.M., were thorough. Questions of experience and Police action and philosophy were asked by the Committee Membership. At the end of the interview, the committee discussed each Officer fully and closely discussed the pros and cons of each. References and background check are in the process of being checked.
The Safety Committee discusses Police, Fire Department, and Emergency Plans for the Community. It consists of 4 citizens, the Police Chief and Fire Chief, and 2 Aldermen/lady.
- City Manager Candidate.
Thursday, 9 March, the BOA met in Executive Session and received 10 more applications and resumes for a total of 21. These 10 will be reviewed this week by BOA.
The Chief of Police position has received 14 applications. Those applications are currently being reviewed. Interviews will be conducted by the Safety Committee. The top three Candidates will be presented to the BOA for interviews and a decision.
Both of these positions are being worked simultaneously.
- Have you ever moved into a community and wondered how things work?
Monday Night, an Evening with the Mayor, is for new Neighbors who have lived in the Salado for 2 years or less. “Salado 101” will be the topic. Dress comfortable and bring your questions and suggestions. You will not only learn; the Mayor will learn from you.
- Children Books needed.
The Higher Education Division, Fort Hood, is collecting children’s books to be given to children of Soldiers at no cost. The purpose is to encourage parents to read to their children at a young age and for older children to improve their reading skills. The books are placed in bookshelves around the Solder Development Center. There is no checkout; these books are free and may remain with the family as long as needed.
If you have children’s books that need a new home, please bring them by the Village Office, Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. – 4 P.M.
- Saturday morning appointments.
Every Saturday, the Mayor meets with individuals who have questions or want to discuss issues. If you would like to meet, please send a message to him personally via email, The subject will be your choice.
- This Monday an evening with the Mayor, 13 March, is for Neighbors that have lived in Salado less than 2 years.
Have you ever moved to a new Village or town and wished you knew more about the community? Most of us have. This one-hour session beginning at 6:30 P.M. will give the 2 year or less neighbors an opportunity to ask questions. It will also provide an opportunity to meet new neighbors. Come comfortably dressed and learn about your community.
Sunday, 5 March 2017
- Going South to Salado.
Our Visitors say the nicest things…
“We came South because we love Salado. We like to spend money here.”
At Fort Hood, Soldiers and, particularly their spouses, often say, “I wish we could live in Salado. The school system is so good and exactly what we want. It is a great place to “Chill Out.”
“I am so surprised at I-35. It is beautiful. The Stagecoach on the side of the bridge; the trees; the flower containers, how did you get that? It is so nice and driving is not bad for I-35. “
“It is safe here. The law officers are even nice when they pull you over. They could have given me a ticket, but they gave me a warning and asked me to be careful. What other town would have done that?”
“You sure have narrow streets in the neighborhoods. You also have well kept homes with beautiful yards.”
- Does the Village own Pace Park?
No, we lease it for a dollar a year. There are Trustees of Pace Park that governs the Park. Denver Mills, is Chair. They have their own Ordinances and rules. There is little hope anyone will ever be able to purchase it.
- When will the low water bridge on Amity and Blackberry be done? It sure seems dangerous.
The bridge is a county project with approved plans. There is no specific set date on construction. Take your time when crossing it. Please remember the rule of low water, one lane bridges. “Cars take turns to cross the bridge.” And, upon crossing, wave at the car that is waiting to go next. It is Salado’s way of saying, “thank you for waiting.”
- What is a great book to read about Salado’s history?
Images of America, SALADO by Mary Harrison Hodge and Charlene Ochsner Carson. The pictures tell the story; it is well written; and full of interesting facts. Worth the trip to a book store to purchase it.
- What is Monday Night with the Mayor?
It is my time to hear from various groups. Town Halls are fine, but having over a 100 present is difficult. People are busy and after a long day of work, going to another function is not on the list of “Things To Do.” Simply: It is my time to listen to various groups.
Last year, was the first year to try it. Much was learned; ideas, suggestions, and questions.
This year, specific groups will be meeting and by the end of March the entire town will have the opportunity to have an Evening with the Mayor. It is just that, an Evening with the Mayor in the living room of the Municipal Building. There is nothing secret and you will have your turn. This Monday, 6 March, it is ONLY for Business and Shop Owners.
If you have an ECHO DOT and ask for the news. You get a “Flash Brief.” At the end of the news, Alexa says, “This ends your Flash Brief.”
So ………….. this ends your Flash Brief for Sunday.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
“You are the architect of your own fortunes. Rely upon your own strength of body and soul. Take for your star, self reliance . . . Keep at your helm and steer your own ship. Remember that the great art of Commanding is to take a fair share of the work. Think well of yourself.”
Saturday, 4 March 2017
First, let me apologize for not writing this week. DoD is Training the Trainer” in an entire new evaluation system, New Beginnings, for government employees. Last week, Fort Hood’s turn to “Train the Trainer” occurred. The change will take place for GS13-15 in July. For GS12 and below will be in November. New Beginnings introduces a significantly new method of evaluation that will more accurately grade the employee’s performance. If you are a GS employee, you will be learning the new system in the near future.
The FACTS of the Petition to Dis-Annex:
- Total amount of taxes paid by 72 people who signed the petition: $35,910.15.
- The breakdown of taxes paid ANNUALLY by those who signed:
Amount paid Units ( couples and individuals)
0$ -- 3
1$ to 50$ 4
51$ to 100$ 11
101$ to 500$ 5
501$ to 1000$ 12
1001$ to 1500$ 9
1501$ to 2000$ 3
2000$ to 3700$ 2
- The breakdown by couples and individuals:
22 family units (2 or more living in the home)
25 Individuals
Total: 71 people
There were 72 names on the petition, but 1 person’s name appeared twice.
- The amount of ANNUAL taxes paid by people who took the petition door-to-door and asked for signatures. This information was given by people who volunteered the names of those who approached them.
TOTAL : $340 = 6 people who asked citizens for signatures paid this in Annual taxes.
- The breakdown by streets:
Royal View – 3 families; 3 individuals
Mill Creek – 3 families; 7 Individuals
Chisholm – 1 family; 2 Individuals
Indian Trail – 4 families; 2 Individual
Old Mill Road – 2 families; 1 Individual
Ridge Road – 2 families; 1 individual
Whispering Oaks – 0 families; 1 individual
Chaparral – 0 families; 1 Individual
Blaylock Circle – 2 Families; 2 Individuals
Lazy Oaks – 1 Family; 0 Individuals
Smith Bluff – 1 Family; 1 Individual
Hay Meadow – 0 Families; 1 Individual
Bishop Drive – 0 Families; 1 Individual
Salado Creek Place – 1 family; 2 Individuals
Elizabeth Circle – 1 Family; 0 Individuals
Hill Crest Dr – 1 Family; 0 Individuals
Total: 71 people
There were 72 names on the petition but 1 name signed twice.
Petition signers who have called the office asking if their name could be taken off the petition because of heavy persuasion or misrepresenting the facts -- 2. The answer is: once signed, no name can be taken off.
- Lawyer Cost for the 2nd Petition -- $6200 and climbing
- Engineer Cost -- Has not been received
Bottom Line Up Front:
71 people paid $35,910; it takes $350,000 in operation and maintenance. Lawyer Fees $6200 and Engineering cost – not known but will be expensive.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Saturday, 25 February 2017
Village Administrator’s Position
Thursday, 23 Feb, The BOA interviewed three candidates for the Village Administrator position. All three were excellent bringing different skill sets experience, management, and plans to the forefront. In the final evaluation, the candidates were ranked 1, 2, and 3. The total process will take approximately 3-4 weeks.
Village Police Coverage
Thanks to our Village Policeman, 2 Sheriff Deputies, and our Constable; Police coverage in the Village is progressing well. The cost of two Sheriff Deputies is equivalent to the two resigned officers’ pay. .
Billy Walker
This morning, 8:30 A.M., Billy Walker, 12 years old, and his mother, Lacy, met with the Mayor. Billy made a presentation for a Dog Park that was way above his years. Well prepared and thought-provoking, he made his request strong and professional. Mom never said a word; it was Billy’s dream. Billy is going to make his presentation to the Rotary. He will also lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Thursday, 2 March. Come and meet a fine young citizen in present America.
Begins tomorrow, Sunday, 26 Feb. It will give accurate answers to questions, gossip, and other pertinent information. Since the newsletter is written daily, this Blog will be written twice a week.
Monday Night with the Mayor
Beginning 6 March, 6:30-7:30 P.M., Monday Night With The Mayor will start. Come as you are, come with your questions, and come with your solutions, and recommendations.
6 March, Village Municipal Building – Shop Owners and Businesses. This for Shop Owners and Businesses only. The discussion – “Salado Going Forward.”
13 March, Village Municipal Building – New Residents to Salado. Only for people who have lived in Salado less than 2 years. Discussion: “Salado 101”
20 March, Village Municipal Building – Organizations – Pastors, Priests, Presidents, and Chairmen/women. Subject: Working Together for Salado’s bright future.”
27 March, Village Municipal Building – “Questions and Answers from all Salado Residents.” January’s Town Hall was excellent filled with questions and answers.
The Board of Aldermen/lady
The first Thursday Scheduled Board of Aldermen/Lady is this week, 2 March, 6:30 P.M., Municipal Meeting. Citizens are strongly encouraged to attend and learn what is happening in their community. Come casual and be prepared to learn much.
Our goal is to keep you as informed as possible with Salado happenings.
Most Respectfully,
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
“Canvas and wood make a boat. Only white water makes a canoe. Until a canoe is tested in white water, one does not know how strong it is or how well it will handle a load. Once tested, once successful, though, its value and worthiness soar. Valuable productive, worthy people are those who have been successfully tested. You know it and they know it.”
(Gung Ho! Blanchard and Bowles, p.119)
Sunday, 26 February 2017
Gateway Signs and Celebration Stroll
Email from Dave Swarthout:
“I met with Joe Price and Melissa Paxton regarding the status of the Gateway Sign, here is an update.
Joe has entered into a contract with TXDoT to do the installation of the First Gateway sign located on the south end of Salado. Joe believes he can complete the installation by mid to end of March. We discussed having the Grand Opening of I-35 and the installation of the sign at the same time if we can coordinate that with TXDoT and the Village of Salado.
Combining the two events is believed to be the impetus to the fundraising effort needed to pay for the second sign. If the donors can actually see what they donated to and would spur their willingness to make another contribution for the second sign to go on the North Side.
It is also believed that this is a start to promote Salado in a very positive light to the rest to the surrounding area.
(There are still negotiations on going with TXDoT to have them pay for the second sign.) It is estimated that $36,000.00 is needed for the second sign.
Let's all do our part to make this happen.
Dave Swarthout, Chairman Salado Chamber of Commerce/Tourism Bureau
Dr. Seuss Week
This week is Dr. Seuss Week at the Salado Elementary School. Lisa Nix, Principal, has invited a number of people to read a Dr. Seuss Book to the class.
Monday, February 27
1:45-2:15 Megan Rodeffer
2:30-3:00 Erin Oldham
Tuesday, February 28
8:15-8:40 Laura Novotny
8:45-9:05 Michael Novotny
9:10-9:25 Coco Perry
1:45-2:15 Rotary Reader
2:30-3:00 Glynis Clark
Wednesday, March 1
9:30-10:00 Lisa Nix
12:30-12:40 Anita Morales
1:45-2:15 Meredith Bonnett
2:30-3:00 Rotary Reader
Thursday, March 2
9:20-9:50 Jared Cruddas
1:45-2:15 Ashley Hintze
2:30-3:00 Katie Mullins
Friday, March 3
8:15-8:40 Susan Shobe
8:45-9:05 Mayor Blancett
9:10-9:25 Beth Aycock
1:45-2:15 Susan Terry
2:30-3:00 Rotary Reader
Chief of Police Resumes
Four Applications and Resumes have been received for the Village Chief of Police position. The position will be posted on TML this week. When the Posting is closed, a short list will be compiled and interviews will begin thereafter.
Most Respectfully
Skip Blancett, Mayor
Thought for the Day:
“In an overpopulated world, it’s easy to underestimate the significance of one. There are so many people who have so many gifts and skills who are already doing so many things that are important.
We ask, ‘Who needs me? What can I as one individual contribute to the overwhelming needs of the world?’
The truth is, YOU ARE YOU – THE ONLY YOU IN ALL THE WORLD. Therefore, you are here for a reason in Salado at this time. Bloom where you are planted. There is so much to be done and for the moment this is your world. “( Swindoll)